Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Chad Waldron's Momentary Film Regarding a Wooden Board
I was asked to attend an art show on the Central Coast that my friend was putting on called the Fantasy Squad ( i had know idea what i was going to do then a like an epiphany out in the dessert while your on shrooms this idea came to me. I finished the video off 4 hrs before the show started. On the night i projected the video off a saw horse and onto the board i shaped witch was hanging from the celling. It looked really cool the way you could see wood grain come through film. I tried to recreate this and to upload it but it just did quite work the same. Hope you enjoy the short film.
Chad Waldron's Momentary Film Regarding a Wooden Board from Waldron Bros Production on Vimeo.
A short film about a hand shaped Alaia and the cylindrical places you can go on just a simple piece of wood.
Filmed, Edited and Shaped by Chad Waldron for the Fantasy Squad Art Show. Wood supplied by
Monday, September 14, 2009
Right now I'm compressing the 7min Alaia video i made for the Fantasy Squad Art show that was on at the start of the month. For some shit reason compressor is taking like 5hrs to compress the video into HD for the web. So fingers crossed it will be up on line by tomorrow.
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Shapping like i was Jarrod Gibson
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Mike Wells said I don't up date this enough. I said shut the fuck up I
don't care. Follow me on Twitter if you give a shit.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Premiere time soon
making DVDs. There's nothing better than seeing your blood sweet and
tears on the big screen. Can't wait for this premiere
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Test blog from iPhone
So I finally gut my self an iPhone. What sold it for me is the new
opporating system that's coming out for then soon. It fixes all the
shit thing that you couldn't do before like copy and past, mms and
search etc
So now hopfully I'll be able to go back to posting crapy stuff that no
one cares about haha.
On another note I came 3rd in that first round of little weeds. I was
a little dissapointed but that's life. The competition has already
help me score a job filming for quicky last week and hopefully a few
more things like that will start rolling through. So I'm pretty
stoked. I'm going to re enter in round 2 so fingers crossed this time
Here is a picture of cracky the other day. It was pretty much pumping
I got some sick clips of my mates in the morning
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
So i'm going in this Little Weeds Stab mag and billabong competition. Thought it would be a bit of fun. See how my skills stack up against the others. Sure the prize for the film maker isn't as good as the photographers prize (photog gets a yr contract with stab. Film maker gets to make a movie that will come out free with the mag) but hey i figure it should open up new doors.
Surfing Hawaii and Bali from Waldron Bros Production on Vimeo.
Some surfing footage that i picked up along the way when i was filming my bodyboarding dvds. Shot in Hawaii 06-07 and this season 09. As well as Bail May 08.
Made for The Little Weeds competition
Monday, March 9, 2009